End Of Lease Cleaning Mistakes You Must Avoid Doing

Most tenants are diligent about cleaning their homes before they move out. But as the move-out date approaches, they become more and more preoccupied with other matters. In this post, we'll discuss some of the most common mistakes people make when End of lease cleaning Adelaide their rental units on the eve of their departure.

Forgetting to clean the windows

One of the most overlooked areas in a property is the window. Windows are one of the first things people see when they walk into a property, so it's important that they look clean and tidy.

If you're not careful, cleaning windows can be dangerous as well as expensive! The wrong approach could also lead to damage to your health and wellbeing as well as costing you time and money.


Breaking things while cleaning

There are a few things you should avoid doing while cleaning your home. While you may be in a rush to get out of the property, don't do any of these things:

  • Don't be hasty! Make sure that every item is thoroughly cleaned and polished before moving on to the next one. Otherwise, there will be some parts that look dirty when they're actually just not cleaned properly yet. This can lead to more work later on when these areas need more attention than originally planned for because they weren't wiped down well enough initially (and this would have been avoided if only we'd cleaned them properly).
  • Don't use heavy objects like hammers or sticks as scrubbing tools--it's just asking for trouble! If something breaks off or cracks under pressure from being used as an aggressive cleaning agent then it could cause damage not only physically but also financially too since now we have extra costs associated with fixing/replacing whatever broke during our attempt at home maintenance versus simply buying new ones outright instead.

Not hiring a professional cleaner to do the job

The first mistake you should avoid making is not hiring a professional cleaner.

It's true that hiring a professional can be expensive, but it's worth the money and will save you from losing your bond in the long run. 

End of lease cleaning

Professional cleaners know exactly how to get rid of stains and dirt in every room of your home, which means they won't leave any trace behind when they're done cleaning. Also, if there are any damages caused by their work (which is unlikely), then they'll pay for them instead of charging more money on top of what was already agreed upon at the start of their contract with you!

Cleaning at the very last moment

One of the most common mistakes people make is waiting until the last minute to clean. This can be due to a number of reasons, but it's important that you avoid this if at all possible. 

The first reason is because there will be less time for any problems that arise during cleaning, and more importantly, when you're rushing through cleaning and doing a poor job in general because of time constraints (or just being lazy).

If you clean early in the week and have some extra time before move out day arrives, then it's much easier for us to fix any issues that come up during End of lease cleaning Adelaide service. If we're rushed and under pressure on move-out day itself, then there may not be enough time left over after completing all other tasks needed before moving out (elevator maintenance check/lift inspection; replacing keys etc.)


We hope that you've learned a lot from this article and will be able to avoid the mistakes we mentioned. 

Remember that it's not just about having a clean house when your tenant leaves; it's also about how you handle yourself when communicating with them, so try not to get too stressed out or angry over something that could have been avoided if only someone had told them differently!



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